There are several ways that you can contribute to the church. Like most Catholic Churches we have to be self-sustaining and we receive no money from external sources. We have to cover the fixed costs for insurances, heating, lighting, phones, internet, maintaining the premises and subsidising our parish clergy.
We depend upon the people’s generosity in order to run the parish. Apart from the usual Sunday collection, a more effective way can be to contribute by regular standing order. If you're a UK tax payer, the church can benefit even more if you register for Gif Aid. This allows the church to claim back from HMRC 25p for every £1 you donate. Please use the Parish Planned Giving and Gift Aid Form which you can download by clicking the link, print and complete it and return it to the Gift Aid co-ordinator via the parish office as noted on the form. Please remember to tick the box and sign in the purple box on the form to register for Gift Aid.
If you want to set up a standing order yourself please use these bank details:
Account Name: RCAS Our Lady of the Assumption Tooting
Account Number: 79136869
Sort Code: 605001
Again, please register for Gift Aid using the form as above if possible.
Other ways to donate:
SumUp: To make a quick donation via SumUp you can scan the QR code (or click on it) - this is also on our weekly newsletter. In the church we will also have a card reader where you can 'tap and pay'
PayPal: The Archdiocese of Southwark have set up each Parish so you can make donations via PayPal. You can access this using the button below.
We depend upon the people’s generosity in order to run the parish. Apart from the usual Sunday collection, a more effective way can be to contribute by regular standing order. If you're a UK tax payer, the church can benefit even more if you register for Gif Aid. This allows the church to claim back from HMRC 25p for every £1 you donate. Please use the Parish Planned Giving and Gift Aid Form which you can download by clicking the link, print and complete it and return it to the Gift Aid co-ordinator via the parish office as noted on the form. Please remember to tick the box and sign in the purple box on the form to register for Gift Aid.
If you want to set up a standing order yourself please use these bank details:
Account Name: RCAS Our Lady of the Assumption Tooting
Account Number: 79136869
Sort Code: 605001
Again, please register for Gift Aid using the form as above if possible.
Other ways to donate:
SumUp: To make a quick donation via SumUp you can scan the QR code (or click on it) - this is also on our weekly newsletter. In the church we will also have a card reader where you can 'tap and pay'
PayPal: The Archdiocese of Southwark have set up each Parish so you can make donations via PayPal. You can access this using the button below.
Please note that neither SumUp nor PayPal allow you to register for Gift Aid, so if you're a UK Taxpayer please register separately for Gift Aid using the form HERE as noted above.